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Love Smart |
If you are sleeping single in a double bed or walking down the street thinking, How do I meet that guy?; if you're on your twentieth date and he's no more committed than when you first exchanged |
cell phone numbers; if everyone you know is getting married for the second time and you can't even get a first date; if you love the one you're with but the relationship needs some spark...then this book is for you. |
Back Edition
Family First |
The Family First Workbook |
Dr. Phil has been working with families for over 25 years to help them repair the fissures that have fractured their home lives. In Family First, he provides a proven action plan to help parents |
determine the strengths and weaknesses of their parenting style. His 7 Tools for Purposeful Parenting cover the most important elements for any parent: parenting for success -- for the purpose of raising cooperative, caring, and competent children. |
Back Edition
Paperback Edition
Dr. Phil puts you to work practicing purposeful parenting, walking you through scenarios and exercises in which you and your family will act on these proven principles to build pride, unity and |
hope for the future. You'll master a host of concrete, in-depth tools for raising happy children who approach the world with integrity, honesty and respect. |
The Family First Workbook |
Ultimate Weight Solution |
The Ultimate Weight Solution Cookbook |
Phil wants to lead you to weight-loss freedom. He's spent more than
thirty years working with overweight patients to get results that
last. Now, in The Ultimate Weight Solution, he sounds his loudest
wake-up call yet, giving the bottom-line truth and his unprecedented
7-Key approach to permanent weight loss. |
Back Edition
Paperback Edition
Another essential tool to get results and free yourself from your problems with weight -- forever. Here are more than 100 fantastic recipes that abound with flavor and are exceptionally nutritious. Your whole family can benefit from a new, healthier way of eating. That's because great taste is actually one of the secrets to losing weight and keeping it off.
Hard Back Edition
Ultimate Weight Solution Food Guide |
The Ultimate Weight Solution for Teens |
Dr. Phil McGraw opened doors for everyone who has struggled with losing weight and keeping it off with his groundbreaking plan, The Ultimate Weight Solution. Now, here is the invaluable companion |
volume that delivers more tested weight loss strategies, more specific food lists, and more essential information. |
Food Guide
Jay McGraw has written a book that deals with the specific issues teens face when it comes to weight matters. It's hard enough to be a teen, it's even harder to be an overweight teen. With this book, |
Jay addresses this and other problems in a way that they have never been addressed before -- in a way that actually works! |
The Ultimate Weight Solution for Teens |
Matters |
Self Matters Companion |